Brigham Young
“True independence and freedom can only exist in what’s right.” I think that this quote means that freedom and independence can only truly come into your life if you follow all the rules, laws, or policies that you are supposed to. This applies to everything in life. One example can be school. In school, you will have true freedom and independence if you do the right thing. Some pros of following the rules can be the permitted used of a cell phone. Some teachers will let you play games, listen to music, or even talk if you are a reliable student who always does the right thing. These privileges can easily be taken away in an instant if you choose to disobey the rules that were set. When dealing with the law, you can have you freedom completely taken away. If you choose to disobey the law, you can face fines, jail time, and prison time. You might even get the death penalty, depending on where you live. If you always choose to do what right, then trouble may never find it’s way to you.