Mark Twain
“Always do right.” This quote is telling us that the right thing should be done 100% of the time. Always doing the right will benefit you greatly. It will keep you safe and away from trouble. It will also open up opportunities for you as well. It will bring a good name to you and will keep you socially health. Some opportunities can be jobs or a program that can benefit you in the long run, such as school. Choosing the right will give you a good name, which means people have better things to say about you when applying for a job. When filling out a resume, you need to jot down some references and their contact information. As was stated, always doing right will give you a good name. This good name will help you out when they ask questions about you from your references. If you have a good name, then they will say good things about you. If you only do the right thing sometimes, then some bad things might be said about you, because your references will most likely be honest about your actions, behavior, and working habits.
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